AEI Event July 26: Is It Time to Rethink the Federal Reserve?

Via the American Enterprise Institute.

The Federal Reserve is having a bad year. As the Fed struggles to control inflation, it is also being asked to expand its policy remit to include climate change. Moreover, the House of Representatives just passed a bill requiring the Fed to adopt new policy goals of equal employment and wealth outcomes for targeted interest groups beyond its existing goals of price stability and full employment. How will these efforts to “rethink the Fed” affect monetary policy, credit availability, and economic growth?

Join AEI as a panel of experts discusses monetary policy, the Fed’s dual role as central banker and regulator, its independence, and recent congressional and executive branch efforts to further expand its legislative mandates.


10:00 a.m.
Paul H. Kupiec, Senior Fellow, AEI

10:15 a.m.
Panel Discussion
Gerald P. Dwyer, BB&T Scholar, Clemson University
Alex J. Pollock, Senior Fellow, Mises Institute
George Selgin, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute

Paul Kupiec, Senior Fellow, AEI

11:40 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

Contact Information

Event: Bea Lee |
Media: | 202.862.5829


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