June 16 event: The 2023 Bank Runs and Failures: What Do They Mean Going Forward?

Hosted by the Federalist Society.

William M. Isaac - Chairman - Secura/Isaac Group

Keith Noreika - Executive VP & Chairman, Banking Supervision & Regulation Group - Patomak Global Partners

Lawrence J. White - Robert Kavesh Professorship in Economics - Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University


Alex J. Pollock - Senior Fellow - Mises Institute

This year’s sudden collapse of First Republic, Silicon Valley, and Signature banks were the second, third, and fourth largest bank failures in US history, bringing perceived systemic risk and bailouts of wealthy depositors. In addition, the global Credit Suisse bank collapsed and commercial real estate losses threatened. Politicians, regulators, and bankers are debating why the massive regulatory expansion following the last crisis didn’t prevent the renewed failures. Some emphasize repetition of the classic financial blunder of buying long and borrowing short. Others question the 2018 reforms to the Dodd-Frank Act, or cite the monetary actions of the Federal Reserve. Various proposals include more deposit insurance, mark-to-market accounting, higher capital requirements, more stress tests, or bigger regulatory budgets.

Our expert panel discusses the issues and risks going forward, the outlook for new legislation and regulation, and what, if anything, should be done.


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