Letter: Bagehot had much to say on the caution of bankers

Published in the Financial Times.

The run on Credit Suisse “has got every thoughtful banker and regulator in the world looking over their shoulder”, writes Robin Harding (Opinion, May 31).

Congratulations to them! They have understood the fundamental nature of the business they’re in. Walter Bagehot, the great 19th-century economist and journalist, had already explained this in Lombard Street in 1873: “A banker, dealing with the money of others, and money payable on demand, must be always, as it were, looking behind him and seeing that he has reserve enough in store if payment should be asked for.” Bagehot adds: “Adventure is the life of commerce, but caution is the life of banking.”

Alex J Pollock

Senior Fellow, Mises Institute, Auburn, AL, US


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