Time for colleges to pay, Dem ‘swells’ ‘blinded by privilege’ and other commentary

Published in the New York Post:

Ed desk: Time for Colleges to Pay

“It’s time that the cost of nonpayment of student loans be shared” by “colleges and universities themselves,” argue Arthur Herman and Alex J. Pollock at The Hill. Schools now “get and spend billions in borrowed money and put all the loan risk on somebody else,” which “incentivizes them to push” costs “ever higher — by an average of 169 percent since 1980.” We need a “model that realigns incentives and rewards,” and “the first principle should be that the more affluent the college is, the higher its participation in the losses should be.” Joe Biden has shifted $132 billion “of student debt from borrowers to taxpayers.” “It’s high time to give the rest of us a Christmas present of a new model for government student loans.”


Central Banks and Housing Finance


It’s time for universities to share the burden of student loan defaults