Will the Federal Reserve have a monopoly in digital currencies?

Published in The Hill.

Cryptocurrencies started out with a libertarian desire to give people an alternative to national money, thereby escaping government power to depreciate their fiat currencies through inflation. Many governments, including the United States, have gone so far as to promise perpetual inflation, a key function of which is to help governments depreciate their own debt. Governments can also completely destroy the value of their currency through hyperinflation, as has happened throughout history.

To create a meaningful alternative to this government money monopoly was a noble intent, consistent with the classic proposal by Friederich Hayek in “Choice in Currency.” He asked, “Why should we not let people choose freely what money they want to use?” He argued, “Practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people.” Cryptocurrency enthusiasts agreed. They were, however, too optimistic about how forcefully governments could react, first by imposing regulation and then by realizing that governments themselves could issue digital currency to the public.

The great irony here is that the idea of a digital alternative to national money can morph into an idea to expand and solidify the government money monopoly. According to a survey by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructure of the Bank for International Settlements, more than 60 central banks, representing 80 percent of the world population, are researching central bank digital currencies. More than half of them have moved on to actual experiments or more “hands on” activities.

The broadest form of government digital currency would be the central bank offering deposit accounts to the public at large, so individuals, businesses, corporations, nonprofit organizations, and municipal entities could have deposit accounts at the Federal Reserve instead of with a private bank. Then their financial transactions in the digital currency with each other would be settled directly by the accounting entries on the electronic books of the Federal Reserve. Efficient and risk reducing!

Such a centralization has happened before. Paper currency became monopolized by the Federal Reserve in the form of government notes in the early 20th century. Until then, private banks issued their own paper currency. I have a copy of a $3 bill issued in the 1840s by a previous banking employer. Needless to say, no such currency is used today.

Could money in the form of deposits, such as money in the form of paper currency, be monopolized by the central bank, given current technology? In principle that could be the case. Direct deposits at the Federal Reserve would be close to being default and liquidity risk free. No need to worry about whether your bank might fail, whether it might become illiquid or insolvent, or whether your deposit was over the insurance limit. You would have no need to withdraw cash if you were worried about banks in a crisis because you would be holding a direct Federal Reserve obligation. That would no doubt appeal to many holders of money and, in our electronic world, it is quite easy to imagine such a central bank digital currency.

Do we like the idea, however, that deposits would be concentrated in the government instead of spread among 5,000 private banks? How much of the deposit market the central bank could take over depends on whether it would pay interest on the deposits. If it paid zero interest, its market share would be much less. But the Federal Reserve can and does pay interest on deposits. There are $14 trillion in total deposits in the banking system. Suppose 50 percent of them moved to digital deposits with the Federal Reserve compared to the 100 percent market share the Federal Reserve has in paper currency. That would be a towering $7 trillion. The government money monopoly would become bigger and more powerful.

What would the Federal Reserve do with its new $7 trillion? It would have to invest it. It would become an even bigger allocator of credit. It might allocate a lot more credit to the government itself and its favored housing sector. Or it might get into corporate credit, displacing private investors and becoming a state commercial bank. The history of such banks has been generally pathetic because their credit decisions inevitably become politicized. The Federal Reserve could also more readily impose negative interest rates directly on the people, thereby expropriating their savings.

On top of all that, the government would also have financial Big Data extraordinaire. It would know almost everything about our financial lives. Digital currency would then have traveled from libertarian choice to Big Brother. If not strictly limited and controlled, central bank digital currency could turn out to be one of the worst financial ideas of the 21st century.


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